Registration of visitors
With EZ-Visit, you can register guests and visitors in advance, connected to a booking, separately or when an unannounced visitor arrives. Keep track of visitors and create detailed reports with this additional EZbooking plugin!

Register visitors
You can fill out the information needed for registering visitors in just a few steps or import it from a file. You can also add visitors to a recurrent booking.
The receptionist role
Users with the ’Receptionist’ role are allowed to see the visitors of all users. Thanks to the registration of planned visitors, the receptionists will know exactly who to expect each day.
Checked-in visitors
Activate the check-in/check-out function to control who is in the building. The feature is, for example, useful in case of an emergency. Choose if you want to show the visitors checked in at a particular time or within a specific period.
Print visitor tags
You can make all the necessary preparations in advance. Print the name tags directly from the software with the help of a label printer. It is also possible to display the company logo on these visitor tags as well as other important information.
Would you like to know more?
Learn more about EZ-Visit and how to add the plugin to your solution