Unlock new Self-Service Booking Opportunities with Physical Key Management
Our solution for booking and handling physical keys is your chance to implement safe and secure key management. No more double bookings, lack of information or missing keys. Just an intelligent self-service letting your user book, access and return keys, key fobs and tags all by themselves.

Integrate the scheduling tool with the key cabinet and get a safe and reliable key-handling solution.
E-mail notifications
Send a reminder if the key is not returned on time. And give the following booker a chance to rebook.
Control your keys
Define who should be able to make bookings, which resources they can book and when they can do it.
Book your key in Outlook
If you don't want another work interface to log into, you can make your bookings directly in Outlook.

"We use EZbooking in connection with a key cabinet to book different vehicles. When a user needs a car, he can book it directly in EZbooking. The system then generates a PIN code, which gives the user access to pick up the key from the cabinet at the booked time."

With Creone, we open new possibilities for reliable key management for your shared recourses.
How Does Our Physical Key Management Solution Work?
Combine Artologik EZbooking with Creones key cabinet KeyBox. Get a fully automatic key management system. Safe, Reliable and Accessible.
1. Book
Open EZbooking, check the availability of the object and make your booking.
2. Recieve PIN
A PIN code, only active during the booking period, is sent to you via e-mail.
3. Pick up your key
Go to the Key Cabinet, enter the PIN code and pick up your key.
4. Unlock
Go to your booked object - car, room or other - unlock it and get going.
5. Return your key
Place your key in the Key Cabinet – now it can be booked again.
Carpools, Rental cars or Emergency vehicles...
Whether you are responsible for a carpool, rental cars or administrate keys for emergency vehicles, you are probably used to handling keys manually. And you are probably tired of missing keys and double bookings. But do not despair.
Take control of your keys and eliminate frustration. Combining our booking system with a key cabinet gives you total control of your keys - and much more positive energy.

Sporting facilities
Offering an excellent key management service for sports facilities is challenging and can generate frustration among staff and users if there are flaws in the key handling process. You require not only an intelligent booking system but also an innovative system for handling the keys.
We have a solution enabling users to book, get and return the keys. All by themselves.
Book your EZ-Keys demo
Want to know more about our EZ-Keys plugin? We look forward to giving you a deeper understanding of how the integration works and how you can adapt the solution to suit your needs.