Plug-ins for TIME
Customize the program with extra functions that suit the processes of your organization. There is one plug-in for creating a connection to a service directory and one for flextime management.
The LDAP connection makes it easy to create a user environment with a "single sign-on". A connection to a directory service (such as Active Directory) means that administration is avoided as all user information is automatically updated from a central directory.
TIME-Flex makes it easy to keep track of both flextime and overtime. Each hour is given a time code on registration, and based on these codes, it is possible to create time charts displaying information on all the registrations on different time codes. TIME-Flex also gives the accounting staff the possibility to generate detailed overviews of who is to receive overtime payments.
TIME can be integrated with different economy software using the plug-in TIME-EcoSync. This plug-in enables you to synchronise customers, projects, and items and generate invoices automatically into the economic software. We adapt the plug-in to the process flow of your organisation and the economic system. A ready-made solution exists concerning VISMA Administration 1000/2000.
You can export salary details from TIME to salary software. The details can also include travel costs and other expenses. The export is made in different formats depending on the salary software. Today export files are available for SIE4, VISMA and Hogia Salary.