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Installation instructions for Artologik HelpDesk

This is a short step-by-step instruction for the installation of Artologik HelpDesk. The installation must be carried out on the web server with administrator rights. Do not start the installation if you do not have administrator rights on the webserver.

Please ensure that the System requirements for Artologik HelpDesk are met.

1. On the web server, either download the installation program Artisan Installer (Installation requires an Internet connection) or alternatively the Offline-Installation program for HelpDesk (Installation does not require an Internet connection). The Offline-Installation program must be extracted on the web server.
2. Execute the file "Setup.exe" as administrator.



If you run Artisan Installer:
Expand the drop-down list "Artologik (Release)", select Helpdesk and click "Next".

Helpdesk Installation 1

1. Accept the license terms and click "Next" to continue with the installation.

Helpdesk Installation 2

2. Choose “Install”.

Helpdesk Installation 3

3. Select the installation path for HelpDesk and then click “Next”.

Install Path

4. In the next step, HelpDesk is downloaded to the server via the Internet if necessary and extracted to prepare for installation. Click “Next” to continue with the installation.


5. Select the Web Site for the installation.
- If the URL for your HelpDesk installation is e.g. http://yourdomain, leave the field empty (remove “Artologik”).
- If the URL for your HelpDesk installation is e.g. http://yourdomain/HelpDesk , change the value in the field "Virtual directory" (change the default value "Artologik" to "HelpDesk " in this case).

Select Installation Address

6. Click "Create new database" to create a database for HelpDesk.
Do not use System Databases e.g. "master database".

Helpdesk Installation 6

7. Enter the name and instance of the database server and click "Connect". Once the connection has been established, enter the desired database name, database user and password.
Do not use username=”sa”.
Click "Create and Validate". If the database has been successfully created, you can click "Next" to continue with the installation.

Helpdesk Installation 7.1
Helpdesk Installation 7.2

8. The parameter for KeyNameID will be created in the Registry under

Enter a different value for the "KeyNameID" field if you have already installed another Artologik program on this server.

Check the value in the "Url" field and adjust if necessary.

The parameter “Default Language” defines default language in the application and the language for the default Ticket lists for the preinstalled administrator.

If you want to get alerts via e-mail for any errors in the program, select “Send Alert Mails” and enter the addresses for SMTP server, Sender and Receiver.

Select Database3

9. Check that users IUSR (Internet Guest Account) and NETWORK SERVICE (in French called "SERVICE RÉSEAU") have the MODIFY permissions for all folders located under ..\sites\GUID\ in your new Artologik installation.

10. Check that the “Helpdesk Service” in services for the web server has been started. If the “Helpdesk Service” isn’t found, the Installation wasn’t able to create it in the installation process. Start a command line as administrator on the web server and go to the Installation folder of the program followed by HD\service to run “HDMailService.exe /install”. This will manually install the service and it can then be started.

11. Run the License program on the web server with administrator rights.
The license key will be installed under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AGS\<Installation>\License (32-bit System)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AGS\<Installation>\License (64-bit System)

12. The installation is completed. Please include the installation path and the database in the backup routines.

13. The first time you log in to your new Artologik installation, please use the following credentials:
username: admin
password: adminmaster
Please change the password on your first visit. Choose a secure password.

14. Please read the manual for information about the configuration of the program or contact us to get a quote for administrative training/configuration assistance.