In the latest version of Survey&Report, we can present our new plugin module SR-Panel.

However, the most anticipated news in the version is that you can now view and export not submitted responses. A feature we know many of you have been looking forward to using. In addition, this version contains a couple of improvements in the survey part and some in the administration part.

The survey part

  • View or export not submitted answers
  • Import respondents based on answers on previous surveys
  • Manage surveys – filter on surveys lacking active owner or authorized users

The administration part

  • New interface for deleting or anonymising respondents
  • Custom automation for managing surveys
  • Validation of input in respondent fields and properties
  • Advanced selection respondents – combined search

You can read more about all new features in the new features document

The plugin SR-Panel

With the plugin, you can conduct recurring surveys targeted to respondents in fixed panels to measure changes over time.

You can, for example, use SR-Panel to perform different health- or citizen panels. Another potential way to use the plugin is in customer panels, where the selection often consists of so-called panellists.

You can easily select which panellists you invite to respond to each survey. They can then answer via the link or by logging into the panel and answering their current surveys.

As a panel administrator, you can also;

  • Allow people to register themselves as panel members
  • Allow panel members to pause their participation in the panel or leave the panel
  • Manage panel members manually or create automation for it

If you want to learn more, please contact us