New Swedish Edtech members

We are happy to announce that we are now members of the Swedish Edtech Industry, the Trade Association for Swedish Edtech.
In the press release from the Swedish Edtech Industry, our CEO Linda Braunias says:
"Artologik Survey&Report has been used for 20 years in universities and schools in Sweden and Europe for the evaluation of themes such as quality, equity, development and learning. As members of the Swedish Edtech industry, we hope to learn more about the educational segment. The knowledge and experiences will help us continue developing functionality that contributes to a better school environment."
The Trade Association brings Swedish edtech companies together to support them in their work to develop better tools for the benefit of lifelong learning for Swedish pre-schools, schools, adult education and higher education.
They offer a digital test arena where edtech companies and teachers can meet to test and develop digital teaching resources. Via the European Edtech Alliance, they also cooperate with European edtech companies.
Read the full press release (Swedish)